This product has a 4.5 out of 5 rating as of this posting. Check Price on Amazon! The expanded face area makes this wedge the easiest to play out of the most difficult lies allowing the golfer to get under the ball but still have enough club to generate control and ball flight. Our most popular wedge has a new look! The new Pinemeadow Wedge is the same great wedge that has earned the accolades from many. Although the logo and look is different the club shape and features are exactly the same. A dark tumble finished along paired with a big sweet spot have made this wedge so successful. This wedge is also available in an assortment of lofts (52, 56, 60, 64 and 68) for both RH and LH players. Available in 52, 56, 60, 64, and the impossible to find 68 degree wedgeCompare features and performance with the best classic wedge designsLargest face area of any wedge available making the toughest of lies seem like perfect lies Check Price on Amazon!